Famous Indian ad guru K V Sridhar, fondly known as Pops, has evolved his own unique style of painting without canvas, paper, or paint thanks to the tech-savvy, iPad-wowed viewers. He is now keen to advance the ‘painting’ technique further. The techno-domain of digital painting has come in spotlight thanks to the iPad, as one can paint with a brush in one’s hand and easily can smudge lines etc.
After displaying his works at Mumbai-based Scarecrow Gallery, he has opened up a channel of interaction with aspiring artists for exploring the new genre of art. The founder director of the gallery, Manish Bhatt, has been quoted as saying: "When the entire world is in the realm of cutting-edge technology with air taxis and hybrid cars, we wish to be something more than a gallery. We wish to give art a whole new perspective. Pops is doing just that." He discovered the latent talent in Sridhar while he was doodling something on his tablet and offered him a chance to exhibit his work.
His works done on an iPad, and printed on archival canvas have drawn rave reviews. ‘iPOPS - a preview’, his path-breaking exhibit comprised paintings, took place last month followed by a workshop. The ad guru says he started painting at the tender age of 3, and was greatly inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
He even studied at an art school and held several solos during 1976-81 and featured in many group shows as well. Until 1979-80s, he would regularly paint but once he took up advertising as a career, he had to keep aside painting. His artworks are in the collections of Salarjung Museum, the AP Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA), and many other private collectors in India and internationally.
According to the curator of the show, Niyatee Shinde, his revolutionary work deftly locates itself in the dynamic domain of new media art and presents degrees of conceptual sophistication after a cursory viewing. Sridhar reveals he is keen to experiment with his style.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
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